Related links to schools and ministry
These links may be interesting to the inquiring student about resources for research, resources for ministry and information about the Foursquare denomination.

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Favorite Sites
Bibles, Bible studies, and Christian Resources.
LOOK HERE FIRST! Bible translations, commentaries, word studies in Hebrew or Greek, look up a verse, search a word or phrase, get maps, search for songs related to Bible texts. AMAZING SITE.
Masters Seminary Resource Page
Look here first for study resources.
Victory Life Fellowship - homepage
Homepage of our church. Includes schedule of services
LifeHouse College Ministry
Our college ministry in Ada Oklahoma. Come as you are. Meetings are Mondays at 7:30pm. Geared to GenX. 109 N Francis Ave Ada OK 580.436.3865.
The Master's Seminary - Library and links
Intro to libraries and "ask the Reference Desk" option.
Foursquare Denomination Information
What is Foursquare
Homepage of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel.
National Public Radio on Sister Aimee
NPR program produced by Deborah George and Art Silverman can be heard with RealAudio. Includes a brief bio and photos of the 1920's evangelist.
Sister Aimee's Timeline
A Brief timeline of the major points in her life.
BIO on Sister Aimee Semple McPherson
A good, general biography about the life of Aimee Semple McPherson.
Foursquare History
Where it came from and where it's headed.
Foursquare Doctrine
What we believe. These are our basic statements of faith.
Foursquare News Service
Current press releases and headlines from the corporate office.