Victory School of Ministry

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NEW! Check out our upcoming seminar with Dr. Tom Mathew!


If you have been looking for a place to:
... know more about the Bible - now you can!
... be trained for ministry - we can help!
... sharpen - or add to - your ministry skills - you found us!

STEP OUT... Apply now for YOUR spot in our next semester!

We are a Certified Bible Institute of
Victory Life Fellowship,
First Foursquare Church of Ada, Ada Oklahoma.
Dr. Michael Frederick, Pastor.

Director Rita Bosico,
Master of Divinity,
M.A. Biblical Literature.

Current News:


This year, think of investing in the gift of education...for you or someone you love.
It's the gift that truly keeps on giving!

Classes start in June.
The last day to enroll is 2 weeks after the class begins.
A more detailed list of class dates will be coming.

Click on "Contact Us" for a map.

NEW FOR 2002-2003:



Now you can earn a Certificate or DIPLOMA in Theological Studies from Victory School of Ministry - and - Oral Roberts University School of LifeLong Education!

Certificates are available in emphases of Christian Worker, Missions, Christian Education and Lay Counseling.

Certificates - 19 credit hours*
Advanced Certificate of Theology - 33 credit hours
DIPLOMA in Theological Studies - 66 credit hours

Announcing our new CHRISTIAN * IMPACT * SEMINARS!

This summer we have the privilege of hosting
Dr. Tom Mathew, Ed.D., D.Min., Dean of the ORU Seminary

and author of the new book,
Ministry Between Miracles;
Caring for hurting people in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Now more than ever, we need to know how to reach the LOST and the HURTING.
Dr. Mathew's DYNAMIC teaching style and
multimedia presentation will equip YOU on...
Church Growth Through Caring

Call or write us for information and RESERVATIONS!

This seminar - which is open to the public - will kick off our counseling class called "Christian Caregiving" and will feature Pastor Carl Hayes, involved with the local hospice program, plus Rita Bosico, director of the Bible Institute, plus other special guests and teachers in the pastoral and counseling fields. You will benefit greatly from this class!

Seminar Times:

Leadership in Ministry for God's People 10:00 - Noon REGISTRATION STARTS AT 9:30

Church Growth Through Caring 2:00 - 5:00 REGISTRATION STARTS AT 1:30

Bring a Bible. Free admission. A love offering will be received at each seminar.

Get $20 off the full tuition for Christian Caregiving class for attending the seminar.
The class will be held on Wednesdays from 6-9 PM for 12 weeks. Textbook and study guide can be ordered at the seminar.
Tuition is $105 (for attending the seminar) for credit or $65 for audit.
You can register for the class at the seminar.

In Spring 2003 we launched the CERTIFICATE in LAY COUNSELING.
Join us as we continue this exciting journey! This powerful certificate is full of classes to equip you be a people-helper everywhere you go. And this certificate can be completed in 1 year!

To Pastors:

Hello. My name is Rita Bosico, director of an exciting Bible Institute in Ada. We have an exciting new opportunity for you and your church that starts February 9th.

We are The Victory School of Ministry, a certified formal Bible institute providing quality training in the Bible, Christian doctrine, history and ministry for dedicated believers in our area. Our vision is to prepare people to be fully-equipped to minister effectively, whether in the local church, a para-church structure, church planting or independent ministry. The educational goal is to transform our students to minister with a balance of the best academic information available used with spiritual empowerment, discernment and maturity.

What's so exciting is that our Institute is in joint relationship with the Oral Roberts University School of LifeLong Education so that people can earn a complete Diploma in Theological Studies in a local and affordable way! The course of studies has been accredited for ORU to offer to Bible Institutes, and can help place a student in advanced standing for earning a degree at ORU if desired. The curriculum is supplied by the ORU School of Theology and Missions and is a good general study for those who want to deepen their knowledge of God's Word and those who want to be trained for ministry. It's a can-do opportunity for real people.

Starting in February, we present the Certificate in Lay Counseling - a great way to train people for roles in counseling, pastoral care, crisis intervention, and marriage preparation and care. Other certificates are part of the future, too. Quick, 19-unit certificates in Christian Education, Missions, Christian Work, and Lay Counseling are possible to complete in one year or less. Imagine that! Let's explore how you, your staff or talented church members might be students -- and perhaps teachers -- in this pursuit. I think you'll agree - this is a great opportunity to grow our people into solid disciples and ready ministers of the Gospel.

Our prices are affordable, too. The minimum payment due is $25 for the application and $55 per class ($20 for the practicum class) due on the first day of classes. Tuition is only $125 for a 3 credit class, $45 for a practicum and $65 to Audit. Books and Study Guides are extra.

So come join us. We're located at Victory Life Fellowship, 1001 Tipton Terrace. That's on Arlington (Hwy 1), 1 block east of Monte Vista. Come casual. Bring some friends. Spread the word. We'll be glad to send you more information if you'd like. Contact my office at 436.2279. We look forward to seeing YOU!

Click here to go to the ABOUT US page to read more about what the diploma provides you.

Where to Find us

Our location is
1001 Tipton Terrace
Ada OK 74820 USA

Click here for our CONTACT link for a map.

580.436.2279 phone
580.436.2027 fax

We have several features that can facilitate good communication between the school and you, among students and Bible Institute/School of Ministry directors. Take a look:

    We want know that you visted us. Tell us a little about yourself.

    Feel free to start a thread of discussion or to reply to an existing topic.

    Enter the exclusive chat room and talk real-time about current issues. Once a month, we will have town hall meetings for students and for Leaders of Bible Institutes to benefit from each others' experiences and strengths. The registration it asks for is free and just a means of identification in the room.

Our classes are based on Fall, Spring and Summer semesters of 12-16 weeks .

Classes are usually during the day, evenings and weekends to accommodate students and working people.

Our tuition rate is:
1 cr. hr* 45.00
2 cr. hrs* 100.00
3 cr. hrs* 125.00

If you just want to take the class and not get credit*, audit it for only $65.00.

Books usually are about 30.00 per class.

(prices are subject to change without notice)

Contact us for a FREE Info Pack!
Spring Course Offerings:

DPRM 317 Principles of Biblical Counseling FRI 6:00PM -8:00PM
An intro to basic concepts and procedures of biblical counseling. Its purpose is to acquaint the student with a biblically-oriented approach to helping people.

DPRM 332 Faith and Human Development TBA
A study of human development in spirit, mind and body and the wide range of practical Christian ministry to different age groups in the local church setting. Includes the study of people’s faith, intellectual, social and moral development in each stage of life.

DBIB 362 The Life of Christ WED 7:00PM-10:00 PM
A study of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the Gospels and in early Christian literature.

DTHE 400 Pentecostal History THURS 1:30-4:30
An intro to the major movements and people involved in ministries noted by strong evidences of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

DPRM 430 Evangelism TUES 1:30 - 4:30
This course deals with the evangelistic dimensions of the pastoral ministry in preaching, counseling, teaching, visitation, and training for lay outreach.

DTHE 101 The Holy Spirit in the Now TUES 5:00-7:00
Chancellor Oral Roberts analyzes the biblical concepts and principles that reveal the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Parallels of the dynamic ministry of the Spirit in today’s world are clearly drawn.

DPRM 320 Ministry Practicum SUN 5:00-6:00 (1cr*) For those pursuing the Diploma in Theological studies, this class introduces the student to different aspects of ministry experiences with a supervisor. It includes journaling experiences and a book report. The purpose of this ministry practicum is to provide the student with practical experience in ministerial responsibilities and in a broad range of roles performed in ministry. Trainees gain competence in essential areas of local church ministry.

Days and times may be adjusted.

Come for an "Open Class" at VSOM! Our first week of classes are open without obligation.

You will be greeted at the door with a warm welcome!

Convenient Enrollment into the School:

1. Request an application and submit it by February 3rd
2. Have a pastor's reference form arrive no later than February 7th
3. Then, once you receive our response that you are accepted into the Institute, register for classes in person, or online:


Obtain an application from the school.

ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM - for those who have already been admitted to the institute.
Click here for our ABOUT US link and print out the form. Then send or bring the payment.

REGISTRATION for classes will be held at:
Victory Life Fellowship
1001 Tipton Terrace
Ada OK 74820

Sunday, Feb 2 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM

Enroll Soon. Late applicants will enter classes late.

Make checks payable to: VICTORY SCHOOL OF MINISTRY

Minimum payments to enter classes are:
$25 for Application
$20 for Practicum class
$55 for each 3 unit class

The balance of your payment will be due no later than March 31, 2003.

Applications for Teachers
We always welcome applications from teachers who are qualified in their fields, preferably with Master's degrees and some teaching experience. If you would like to be one of our teachers, submit a resume to our offices and we will review your information.

Our subjects are:


You can fax, mail or email it to us. We welcome your questions or comments.

We are also expanding our Ministry Resources. If you-or someone you know-has donations for our library or school, we will arrange a pickup. Contributions to our institute - whether in finances, goods or services - are tax deductible which makes it convenient for year-end giving. Contact us.

Here is our email link: Click on it to send us an email.


Consider these special offers for you:
You can make a great difference in the life of future ministers.
We're considering a cooperative involvement with you in creating a Minister's Forum on "Real Life issues of being a Minister" to be held occasionally for the benefit of the institute students. 5 Ministers, 1 issue, 1 night. Moderated by the Bible Insitute director with pre-planned questions, and Q&A by the students.
You have a wealth of information - here's your chance to give some good insight and advice on issues that can make or break these students.
If you're interested in receiving the list of possible topics, contact Rita Bosico, 580-279-5528.

Teachers, we are planning our courses for the Summer for both diploma classes and certificate classes specializing in counseling, christian education and ministry.
Maybe you can join us! See the bottom of this page to see how to submit your information to our department.
We look forward to hearing from you. If you would like to suggest someone as a possible teacher, let us know their contact information.

Send an email

*"Victory School of Ministry does not issue college credit."
Victory School of Ministry est. 1999 Ada Oklahoma