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Spring 2003 Launches the Lay Counseling Certificate

"I would help more if I only knew what to do!"

This is a common feeling among Christians in our churches today. Basically, every time someone comes to you for advice or wants to confide in you or tell you about a problem, you are a "counselor" like it or not. And many people who have need of a counselor will simply shy away from seeing a formal counselor. But they'll talk to you.

What if a Christian had the tools to know about the Biblical way to help that person? Or does your church have a counseling department that could use some more assistants? Get the training here - in as little as one year, you could have the tools to improve your people-helping skills, know how to help in a crisis, help with pre-marital preparation and marriage enrichment and assistance, pastoral care, and helping in the healing process from abuse. You are needed. And you can become a LIGHT shining in a dark place. Speaking words of Hope. Healing. You can make all the difference in someone's life.

This certificate, like the Diploma in Theological Studies, is offered jointly from the Victory School of Ministry and the Oral Roberts University School of LifeLong Education. This 19-semester hour program offers adults a convenient way to be trained for helping people, whether on the job or helping in the church. The curriculum is college level material supplied through Oral Roberts University. Our teachers are counselors, hospice chaplains and pastors. So consider getting trained with QUALITY information, QUALIFIED teachers, LOCAL location, AFFORDABLE Cost and in about one year, you could have a whole new set of tools - and be equipped for the harvest!

Contact our office for a FREE infoPack and application.


Sykes Enterprises Inc, located in Ada, donated 3 complete Gateway computer systems to the Victory School of Ministry in May 2002. Each donated system included a Pentium-powered computer (running Microsoft Windows 98), LAN card, 17" color monitor, keyboard and speakers.

These sytems have been set up and connected to a cable modem and set up in a network. The students will have speedy access to the internet, use of special software for research and ability to do word processing and color printing.

The computers are in our main teaching room which also houses our library so students will be able to research and study in the same room, and teachers can have hands-on demonstration of special websites for students to access.

In addition, these computers will also be used for our future online courses and video conferencing to accommodate teachers and special guests remotely. We are extremely grateful for Sykes' donation.


Now you can earn a Certificate, Advanced Certificate or DIPLOMA in Theological Studies from Oral Roberts University School of LifeLong Education - and - Victory School of Ministry!

Certificates are available in emphases of Christian Worker, Missions, Altar Worker, Christian Education and Lay Counseling.

Certificates - 19 hours*
Advanced Certificate of Theology - 33 hours*
DIPLOMA in Theological Studies - 66 hours*

Intro to Oral Roberts' Ministry 

ORU Mission Statement 

Bio of President Richard Roberts 


* Victory School of Ministry does not issue college credit.