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About our School
We exist for students who want more knowledge of the Bible and those who want to be trained for certain ministry roles. Our classes are held at night and sometimes on weekends. The basic program is a 2-year diploma. Our standards are high and the quality of our classes and the assignments required reflect it. We are here for the serious student. If you are ready to learn more about the Bible, or to enter a preparation process, contact us today. Our classes are usually 2-3 credit hour classes which means each class meets once a week for 2 or 3 hours depending on the class.
Rita Bosico directs the Bible Institute and also teaches some of the classes. Since 1999, she assisted in establishing and refining the structure and direction of the institute. Miss Bosico plans to continue the work and expand it to include more classes, online courses and regional meetings. She is a 3-time graduate of Oral Roberts University holding in high esteem the best of intellectual pursuits and spiritual maturity.
<> Rockland Community College, Suffern NY
......A.A.S (Computer Programming and Music)
<> Oral Roberts University, Tulsa OK
......B.A. (Old Testament and Music)
......Master of Divinity
......M.A. Biblical Literature
- Teaching Assistant and Head T.A. in the ORU School of Theology and Mission for over 4 years.
- President of the Seminary Student Council
- Guitarist, Songwriter, Speaker
- Pursuing licensure with the Foursquare denomination
- Passed the Foursquare Polity Course December 2001
Now you can earn a Certificate, Advanced Certificate or DIPLOMA in Theological Studies from Oral Roberts University School of LifeLong Education - and - Victory School of Ministry!
Certificates are available in emphases of Christian Worker, Missions, Altar Worker, Christian Education and Lay Counseling.
Certificates - 19 credit hours
Advanced Certificate of Theology - 33 credit hours
DIPLOMA in Theological Studies - 66 credit hours
Intro to Oral Roberts' Ministry
ORU Mission Statement
Bio of President Richard Roberts
DBIB 110 Old Testament Survey
DBIB 120 New Testament Survey
DBIB 400 Biblical Interpretation
+ Bible classes totalling 12 hrs.
DTHE 101 Holy Spirit in the Now
DTHE 230 Christian Faith and Ministry
DTHE 399 Signs and Wonders I
DTHE 453 History of Christianity I
DTHE 454 History of Christianity II
+ Theo/Hist. classes of your choice totalling 6 hrs.
DPRM 305 Teaching the Bible
DPRM 317 Bible Principles of Counseling
DPRM 430 Evangelism
DPRM 461 Prayer
DPRM 320 Ministry Practicum (1 cr hr* per semester/ 3 semesters required)
+ Ministry classes of your choice totalling 9 hours.
Certificates (19 credit hours)
Christian Worker
DBIB 110 Old Testament Survey
DBIB 120 New Testament Survey
DTHE 230 Christian Faith and Ministry
DPRM 333 Ministry and Leadership Development
DPRM 320 Ministry Practicum (1cr/ 3 required)
+ 2 elective classes totalling 6 credit hours:
Biblical Principles of Counseling
Life of Christ
Intro to Christian Caregiving
Sermon Preparation
Teaching the Bible
Christian Education
DBIB 110 Old Testament Survey
DBIB 120 New Testament Survey
DPRM 332 Faith and Human Development
DPRM 305 Teaching the Bible
DPRM 320 Ministry Practicum (1cr/ 3 required)
+ 2 elective classes totalling 6 credit hours:
Educational Ministries
Ministry to Adults
Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Discipleship / Small Groups
Intro to Christian Caregiving
History of Christian Education
Lay Counseling
DPRM 317 Biblical Principles of Counseling
DPRM 301 Introduction to Christian Caregiving
DPRM 332 Faith and Human Development
DPRM 320 Ministry Practicum (1cr/ 3 required)
+ 2 elective classes totalling 6 credit hours:
Marriage and Family Counseling
Spiritual Issues and Substance Abuse
Group Dynamics and counseling
Pre-Marital Counseling
Intro to Co-dependency
Crisis Intervention
Christian Approaches to Counseling
DPRM 430 Evangelism
DPRM Intro to Christian Missions
DTHE 230 Christian Faith and Ministry
DPRM 320 Ministry Practicum or INTERNSHIP (1cr/ 3 required)
+ 2 elective classes totalling 6 credit hours:
Major World Religions
Religious Cults
Signs and Wonders
Church Planting and Growth
and others...
Here are some of the classes we have been offering. Take a look:
THE 110 Multicultural Evangelism This course is a valuable preparation to develop the mindset and ministry of those who would effectively reach people of other cultures and nations. Learn about the biblical basic for worldwide evangelism, its nature, scope and historic development, the current status, issues and trends of missions, and an overview of Foursquare Missions Intl. You'll learn about the fundamental nature of current international missions in today's world, the critical problems existing now and how to address them. Ultimately, you'll understand the application of the intercultural/international call to the local church and to the personal life. Taught by Lolita Frederick who has spent most of her life on the mission fields in Honduras, Panama and Argentina, this class is a prime opportunity to learn first-hand from an expert in missions! If you want to be a world-changing disciple maker, sign up.
THE 120 Early Church History So what happened after the book of Acts? How did we formulate what "Christianity" believes? And what false beliefs tried to come into the church? We face those same challenges today. Investigate the development of the Christian church from the times of the Early Church to the later Middle Ages, with emphasis upon the major historical movements, problems, themes, trends and theological issues of that period. Learn what the Church Fathers said about the God-head, Christians and the nature of the church. Study the councils, creeds and major players as the church was established. Attention will be given to important documents written by these major players, as well as authoritative interpretive studies.
BIB301 Romans A study of the major theological themes within Paul's letter to the church at Rome. Also included will be a look at the historical setting and major distictions in Paul's writings. This is an important study on the major doctrines of Christianity and how to apply them to our everyday life and ministry.
CHRM215 Spiritual Gifts and Ministries This course will explore the aspects of how the Holy Spirit works in believers' lives and how each Christian can discern what are their spiriritual gifts, and how to function in them effectively in daily ministry. Taught by Steve Jester, D.Min., who has been involved for many years in the charismatic university setting helping students discover and operate effectively in the ways God intended. This will be a 12-week class starting September 22nd.
PM201 Music in Worship
Why do we worship? And why do we sing? How does music relate to worship settings? We will look at how to apply biblical principles to personal and corporate worship, and on planning leading worship. Topics will include: what worship is, the spiritual nature of worship and music, a theology of music as warfare-prayer-and preaching, music through the church year, how music fits in a church service, basic musicianship, an overview of music styles and arrangements and song selection, plus how to blend traditional and new music styles in a corporate setting. You gain a biblical basis for a life-style of worship, as well as training for leadership in worship in the church.
Ministry Practicum
Allows students to get credit for ministry experience in a measurable way. Includes doing a book report and weekly meetings with a faculty facilitator to discuss the current challenges in ministry environments.
New Testament Survey
An overview of the themes and literature of the New Testament. Key people, places, events will be learned and students will look into how they relate to their life as a Christian.
Church History II
From the 1500's to the present. Students will learn the key people, places and events of Church History and how we can learn from the lessons of the past. Students will be challenged to explore their own life of faith as they discuss the beliefs that would deter them from true Christianity. Through the study of creeds and councils and divisions, students can see an overview of the similarities and differences in how different groups perceive the key elements of Christianty.
We invite you to enroll today.
Contact us if you have any questions. 580.436.2279.
Enroll by getting an APPLICATION from the School Office.
Then Register for Classes.
Printable REGISTRATION form
Highlight this form, click on PRINT, choose "selection". Or copy the form and paste it into an email (see link below)
Victory School of Ministry CLASS REGISTRATION FORM 2002/2003 1001 Tipton Terrace Ada OK 74820
Student Name ___________________________________ Phone_____________ Address_______________________________________ Age______ City ST _____________________________________ High School Grad? ______
Church___________________________________Role__________ City__________________
I heard about the school:
Paper's name_____________ [ ]TV [ ]Radio [ ]Friend [ ]Student [ ]Sign
Course #.......Course Title..............Class Time...Units...Credit/Audit...........Cost
...............................................................................................TOTAL _______
[ Internal Use: ____________________________________________________ ]
FAX: You may fax this form to the office: 580.436.2027
MAIL: Rita Bosico
ADA OK 74820
HAND: Church office,1001 Tipton Terrace, Ada OK.
Off Highway 1 (Arlington) between Rolling Hills and Monte Vista.
MON - FRI 9-4 pm
Deadline: February 7, 2003for all classes
Payment is due by the end of second week of classes or you will be de-enrolled. Any payment arrangements must have the approval of the director, be written and include an initial payment.
Please contact us if you have ANY questions.
I agree to sign the Code of Honor as set forth by the Victory School of Ministry by the second week of attending classes.
Prior to registration, a brief application must be completed for acceptance into the institute for enrollment to be complete.
Student's signature________________________________ Date __________
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Victory School Of Ministry
You must be accepted into the school before you can register for classes.
Get your forms in soon.